Sunday, February 8, 2009


The first one I listened to was Smartboard Lessons.It was hard to follow at first, but as I listened I realized what they were saying. They were giving information to teachers about how to teach different topics, such as data. The example they used for this was Feltron 8.This is a guy who has recorded everything from the steps he takes in a day to data in the news. This website can be used to teach math lessons such as ratios, percentages, fractions, etc. They also provided links that are helpful to teachers. One of the links I thought would be helpful is Teachers Connecting. This website allows teachers to connect with other teachers across the country. They can look for help, support, and ideas to better their classrooms.

The next podcast I listened to was KidsCast. This was a really cute idea. It allowed students to create their own podcasts, something I don't even know how to do and elementary students are posting them. The students are not only expanding their knowledge through technology, but also with whatever topic they are reporting about. I think this is a great way for students to learn, just another method of teaching that isn't out of the book.

EdTechTalk gives an example of how you can go live and talk to someone across the country or even internationally. One of the guests gave a neat link for creating Comic Strips. This would be really neat for creative writing or grammar lessons. It can help build creativity, reading, and writing.

All the podcasts were informal and conversational. Obviously one of the characteristics of a podcasts. I believe it is an important. No one wants to listen to a dull cast. It is important to incorporate humor and creativity in the podcasts.

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